Corrective Exercises


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Corrective Exercise

Your body creates a desired movement pattern while performing exercise movements and routines. At times you may perform a movement with the path of least resistance. However, the action is not the correct anatomical pattern to generate force that can result into compensation and eventually injury. Additional movement assessments will identify areas of flawed action that can be improved with corrective exercise routine and proper stretching program.  

  • An approach for a reoccurring injury or discomfort associated with an activity or exercise.
  • Address the muscle imbalances and movement dysfunctions identified by the movement assessment.
  • I will introduce specific exercises to increase strength and maintain optimal range of motion for muscles associated with the imbalance.
  • Provide proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretches to active and eliminate muscle inhibition that have not been working with synergy with other muscles in the action.
  • Certification of Reebok University 2002. This was the introduction of the Functional Movement Screen created by Gray Cook. Received thorough instruction and certification of this model as well as instruction and certification proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching techniques.


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